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Aboard a Ship

Aboard a Ship

You are slightly persuaded from side to side as the gentle waves rock the humble pirate ship that you stand upon. A distinct scent of salt lingers in the air from the ocean below and the sunbeams down from the cloudless sky. As the waves wash upon the rough sand of the beaches, they create tranquil sounds that accompany the crashing of the water against the rocks of the cove. Seagulls cry overhead, adding to the ocean’s symphony. Sails peacefully flap above you as a gentle breeze brushes against your face, whispering pirate songs in your ear that send a slight shiver down your spine. Although the tropical setting is relaxing, you feel a slight sense of fear with each new breath.

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At one of our meetings, Shaundra created a contest where she gave each person a strange item and a strange goal. My prompt was hairnets and to create the “uncommon cold.” I spent my entire day yesterday on this and put aside homework, so it’s not all that great, but at least I got it done. 🙂 My story placed somewhere around 4th to 6th place out of 6 entries.

Day 1: It has come! After many years of careful planning and researching, the day has finally come for me to put my plan into action! I have worked through many sleepless nights to create this monstrosity, and I think that I have perfected it! Soon I will have the world’s most deadly weapon in my possession and I will have the entire population in my grasp!

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