
Within a residence hall, especially within Texas State University, diversity plays a major role. Everyone is unique and dissimilar from one another, ranging in height, weight, age, race, religious belief, lifestyle, and even study habits. It is nearly impossible to find two people who live the exact same way. Because of this, resident assistants must be aware of diversity and embrace it, exemplifying that everyone has a different culture, but it is because of these differences that life is interesting and full of color.

Lifestyle includes many aspects, but for a diversity experience, I chose to eat something different. On Thursday, November 10, I attended the University Honor Program’s Multicultural Dinner at 6:00pm and experienced a variety of different textures and flavors. A particular diner, I felt uncomfortable and nervous as I watched the table fill with unusual looking dishes that smelled odd and looked even more strange. Most of the names I could not pronounce and I had never tried or even heard of most that was provided. I felt out of place as everyone around me wafted in the smells exclaiming that they couldn’t wait to try all of the delicious food.

Honestly, I wanted to go home and eat something “normal”.

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