I have thought of this many times before, but when I played dodgeball in gym today, I actually felt like writing about it. Let’s see if I can do it!

I believe that any randomized gym class could easily win a match of dodgeball if they broke each person into “jobs,” each with a special ability with only one thing to worry about. I will create a fake gym class based off of my own to demonstrate.

Most people in a gym class know each other and know how well each person can throw, how motivated they are, etc. With this knowledge, they could break the class down into a well-balanced team. With the unmotivated and unskilled people in the back tapping balls towards the athletic and competitive people near the front, ball-fetchers delivering balls to the throwers, and tall people waiting for balls to catch. Everyone has a specific job and can help the team out.

Fake Gym Class: Personality and Physcial Traits – Jobs

  • Andy: great athlete, competitive, great aim, hard-hitter, strong – thrower, stands at the front
  • Brittany: good at volleyball, tall, skinny, ditsy, competitive – catcher, waits for a high ball to easily catch, occasionally throws
  • Carl: skinny, unathletic, unmotivated, bad aim – fetcher, retrieves balls and hands them to the throwers
  • Danielle: competitive, good at soccer, bad aim, a little overweight – fetcher, retrieves balls and hands them to the throwers, occasionally throws
  • Emily: unmotivated, weak, great dodger – kicker, stands at the back, lightly taps the balls towards the throwers near the front
  • Fran: unmotivated, great aim, bad dodger, short – kicker, stands at the back, lightly taps the balls towards the throwers near the front, occasionally throws
  • George: overweight, unhealthy, bad dodger, hard-hitter – thrower, stands near the middle
  • Heather: bad aim, competitive, bad dodger, good catcher, short – thrower/catcher, stands near the middle
  • Ivan: skinny, tall, good catcher, great aim, competitive – thrower, stands at the front
  • John: great athlete, great aim, competitive, short – thrower, stands at the front
  • Kristen: great dodger, unmotivated, good aim – mixed
  • Lauren: weak, unmotivated, short, bad aim – kicker, stands at the back, lightly taps the balls towards the throwers near the front
  • Matt: great aim, hard-hitter, bad dodger, competitive, good at baseball – thrower, stands near the middle
  • Nicole: bad aim, competitive, short, great dodger – fetcher, retrieves balls and hands them to the throwers, occasionally throws
  • Oliver: skinny, bad aim, tall, unmotivated – catcher, waits for a high ball to easily catch
  • Paul: good aim, good dodger, competitive – thrower, stands at the front
  • Quinton: good at basketball, tall, skinny, great aim, hard-hitter, great dodger – thrower, stands at the front
  • Ryan: unmotivated, bad aim, bad catcher, great dodger – fetcher, retrieves balls and hands them to the throwers
  • Sarah: tall, skinny, great aim, unmotivated – mixed
  • Trevor: great aim, stong, great dodger, competitive – thrower, stands at the front
  • Uniqua: unmotivated, good aim, hard-hitter, short – thrower, stands at the front
  • Veronica: tall, skinny, great catcher, bad aim, competitive – catcher, waits for a low ball to easily catch
  • Whitney: good at volleyball, skinny, great aim, competitive – thrower, stands at the front
  • Xavier: bad aim, bad dodger, short, unmotivated – kicker, stands at the back, lightly taps the balls towards the throwers near the front
  • Yvette: great aim, hard-hitter, a little overweight, competitive – thrower, stands near the middle
  • Zach: skinny, great dodger, competitive – mixed
  • So there’s my dodgeball strategy. Whenever I play dodgeball, I am always a fetcher who occasionally throws. I wish that I could get a whole class to try out this strategy and see if it works though…

    4 replies
    1. JonH
      JonH says:

      This sounds pretty cool, infact I know some of the kids you described they are in my gym class, same name and description.lol.

      just to let u know i finished my club part I. !!!!!

    2. Matt, Associate in Arms
      Matt, Associate in Arms says:

      We so need to do this! Heres how we break it up:

      One(1) gymnasium, allocated for our use for several hours
      Four(4) little balls, each no more than 10 inches in diameter
      Three(3) Standard kickball sized dodgeball, made out of soft, maleable rubber instead of that hard crap.
      Two(2) Uber balls, 2-3 feet in diameter

      Rules:(May vary depending on location)
      1. If hit by a ball, you are out
      a. If it bounces on the floor first, doesn’t count as an out.
      b. if it bounces of a held ball, it is an out
      I. If a held ball is thrown and hits the first ball, it doesn’t count as an out, unless the ball then hits someone
      c. If a ball hits more than one person the last one to touch it is out.
      2. If you catch the ball, the thrower is out, and one outted person from the catcher’s team is returned to play.
      a. ball may be caught off any rebound save the floor
      3. If you are the last person on your team, catching the ball returns all your outted teammates into play. The thrower is not out.

      Wilson bros vs all yall!

    3. Jordan B.
      Jordan B. says:

      Three against all of us. Thats an easy win. Wilsons alone can’t take on the whole Empire by them selves.

      It’s a death wish.


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